Principal Desk

Dear Educators,

On behalf of our College, I extend a hearty welcome to you on this beautiful sprawling heritage campus of this college.  Yavatmal was previously known as ‘Yeoti’ or ‘Yeotmal’. It was part of the Berar Sultanate and was known as the ‘safest place in the world’. Legends say that it was part of the Vidarbha kingdom from the Mahabharat. From historical accounts, one now knows that Yavatmal has been passed around between a medley of rulers and empires from the Mauryan Empire to the Chalukya dynasty to the Yadava dynasty.

It then fell into the hands of the Aladdin Hassan Bahman Shah who founded the Bahmani Sultanate in 1347. Bahmani Sultanate and a period of Islamic rule followed. In 1572, Murtaza Shah, ruler of the Ahmadnagar Sultanate (current day Ahmadnagar District), annexed the Yavatmal district. In 1596, Chand Bibi, warrior queen of Ahmadnagar, ceded the district of Yavatmal to the Mughal Empire, then rulers of a large part of India. Yavatmal was ceded to the Mughal Empire in the 16th century and remained with the Mughals until the death of Aurangzeb in 1707. Following the death of the sixth Mughal Emperor Aurangzeb in 1707, Yavatmal was passed on to the Maratha Empire. It was then taken over by the Maratha Empire where it remained for 150 years.

When Raghoji I Bhonsle became ruler of the Nagpur kingdom in 1783, he included the Yavatmal district in his territory. In mid-19th century when the British Empire was taking control of the trading networks in India, British East India Company created Berar Province in 1853, Yavatmal became part of East Berar District in 1863 and later part of the South East Berar district—both districts of the Central Provinces and Berar. Yavatmal remained part of Madhya Pradesh until the 1956 reorganization of states when it was transferred to the Bombay State. With the creation of the Maharashtra state on 1 May 1960, Yavatmal district became a part of the same

Young friends, I am confident that the ambience of this College will fulfill your long appreciated dream of acquiring “Excellence” in the field of Teaching and Teacher Education. You have immense potential, which can be tapped not only to provide you academic qualifications but also to shape your personality.

College is committed to high ideals in Teaching, Learning and Innovative Activities and Research.  I urge upon you to build a powerful generation of talented youth, which will face at the national level, the challenges of Teacher Education in the dynamic era of technologically changing scenario. We place the student community at the centre and strive to instill into it confidence so as to enable it to face challenges of the contemporary globalize world.

Our vision projects this College as a unique “Centre of Excellence” in Teacher Education and endeavors to meet the Social, Cultural and Educational needs of this region and the nation. I am sure; this will ultimately lead to the creation of a ‘Knowledge Society’ geared to meet the demands of the twenty-first century.

I hope your association with Government College of Education (CTE), Yavatmal named after the great historical figure in the history of Maharashtra, will lead you to brilliant successful career and fulfill your long-cherished dream of translating knowledge into action.

I wish you all the victory.

Dr. Suhaskumar Ruprao Patil